Principal Message


Santosh Memorial Education and Welfare Society is a registered society under society's Registration Act.


S.M.Rehabilitation and Research Centre and a Special School have been established in Narnual, Haryana under this society.


The very purpose of this institute and special school is to serve the field of Disability and provide necessary services to the community of Divyangjan in particular.


Narnual is leading in the state of Haryana in many aspects. There is an estimated population of nearly 10% in various categories including Intellectually disabled, Hearing impaired, Visually impaired, Autistic, Cerebral Palsy, Learning disabled, ADHD, Down syndrome, physically challenged among others. There is an urgent need to mainstream this population of Narnaul by all means. 


The institute and special school are serving the different stakeholders in the field. The administrator, Faculty, Special Educators and Staff are putting in their sincere efforts in this endeavor. The local government including office of the DC, DSW, Haryana Police, Red Cross, DLSA, Haryana Roadways and other officials and well wishers including the very active Rotarians and social workers who have helped to build this project brick by brick and are leading the initiative from the front.


RN Yadav 
